MC MetalFab is a family owned and operated Sheet Metal Shop in Minnesota.
Our Capabilities
Design Assistance
Able to import CAD files in most formats including DXF and IGES
Reverse Engineering Capabilities
Modeling in Solidworks
Programming in DR ABE
Prototyping - Small, Medium to Large run production
​Laser Cutting – Amada Laser LC2415 4000 watt
48 Station Turret Laser Combo - Amada LC 2012
Manual Punching - 30/30 Strippit
Forming - Amada RG-M2 8024 Press Brake
- Amada 10 ft. / 140 ton HS 1303
Press Brake
- 10 ft. / 90 ton Dries and Krump
Press Brake
- 6 ft. / 30 ton Diacro Press Brake
Hardware Insertion - Pemserter
- Pemserter Series 4" Press
Tig/Mig and Spot Welding
- Lincoln Heli-Arc Welder
- Miller Dynasty TIG Welder
- Arctronics Spotwelder
- Millermatic 185 Wire Feed Welder
Machining - Wells-Index Manual
- Haas V2 CNC Mill
MillShearing - Summit 10 GA 6 1/2 ft. Shear
Sawing - Hem-Saw 260
Deburr, Tumbling and Timesaving
​Industries Served
Automotive, Snowmobiles, RV's, Motorcycles
Environmental Products
Construction Industry
Industrial Security Products
Medical Industry
Electrical Advertising - Promotional Signs & Display Art
Printing Industry
Materials ​
Stainless Steel
Carbon Steel
Let us be
YOUR partner in production!

Amada Laser LC2415 4000 Watt

48 Station Turret Laser Combo - Amada LC 2012

Amada RG-M2 8024 Press Brake

Amada 10 ft./140 ton HS 1303
Press Brake

Pemserter Series 4" Press Hem-Saw 260
Haas V2 CNC Mill